In May our junior musical theatre company attended the MTI Junior Theatre Festival in Birmingham, where they performed a short 15 minute extract from their production of The Little Mermaid Junior which played in the Sean O'Casey Theatre a few weeks prior .
They dazzled the industry professional judges and were awarded the trophy for best choreography. Two of our students (Maja and Amy) were selected as all stars and performed a dance on the big stage at the awards ceremony. We are all so proud of all our Junior Musical Theater company achieved over the weekend and thought the year.
They definitely deserved the amazing trip to Cadbury world in Birmingham and all the chocolaty treats they received. We can't wait to see you all next year.
In the airport after our amazing win!!!!! Look at our Fabulous Trophy!
Our beautiful All Stars Maia and Amy just before they go off to learn their dance in the all stars workshop which they performed at the Awards Ceremony in front of an audience of over 1,000 cheering fans!!
Junior Musical Theatre Experience – Bella Farrell
I have done JMT for 3 years now and every year I meet new people and make new friends. All the rehearsals, all the new choreography, all the harmonies, all the lines that had to be learnt. All the times I got to say, “I’m going to rehearsals tomorrow,”. It all means we get to perform for our friends and family at the end, but most importantly it means that we’re able to say that it meant something, that it was a year of smiles, laughs and hugs. JMT isn’t just a show we perform every year, it’s a group of kids that made friends that will last a lifetime, a group of kids that will never forget what it was like to lose our voices screaming at the teachers dance at the Junior Theatre Festival, a group of kids who will always find their home at ITW and its people.